Loose Parts

Park Circle Gallery, April - May 2021

These pieces are inspired by the phrase “Loose Parts,” referring to a childhood play philosophy where materials are provided with no explicit rules or instructions. These loose parts can be combined, restructured, taken apart, and put back together in multiple ways. Similarly, artists are continually tinkering with and reorganizing experiences and inspirations to create interesting works of art. The work references the creative process, which often involves the designing, destructing, and then rebuilding of concepts. Color, joy, and playfulness are key elements of my current work. I use traditional drawing and painting materials in my work, but also incorporate collaged elements from found objects or textiles that have a history and story. My pieces reflect an artistic response to how we are constantly being changed and shaped by where we live, the people we know, and major life events.


Ouroboros 2024/2025


Available at Miller Gallery